Products Overview

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AmigaWriter - ArtEffect - DrawStudio - FontMachineFusion - Hardware - Netax1200 - NetConnect - PageStream - PCx - STFax - StormC - StormMESA - StormPowerASM - StormWizard - Tornado3D - VideoFX - Wacom Intuos - Warp3D - WarpUP - X-DVE

Here you will find a listing of all products we develop and/or distribute. All products are available in English and German program versions, but more and more the products are also being translated into Italian, French and Swedish.
Many thanks to Dirk Harlaar for the English translation. These pages are also available in German.

You can get most of the products from your local dealer (dealers list) or directly from Haage&Partner (order) if there is no local dealer in your area. UK sales are exclusively handled by Blittersoft.
Reviews of the products can be found in the review area.

The highlights at HAAGE & PARTNER

ArtEffectArtEffect 3 brings even more painting pleasure: unlimited amount of layers, sensational Gradients and new effect filters give your own creativity all freedom. The well known natural painting functions have, of course, been kept fully.

AmigaPlus AwardThe image processing functions of ArtEffect have been improved and sped up. The memory consumption has been greatly reduced. Corrections of graphics and scans thus become even more comfortable and the results better.
New is the support of
indexed colors. With this 256 color GIF-images for the Internet can be manipulated and also saved at last.
  AmigaWriterAmigaWriter is the ideal program for scholars, students and scientists, because it now already has real footnotes (WYSIWYG), a clever chapter management system, and automatically creates a Table Of Contents. Automatic hyphenation and a spell checker function are also part of the program. Entering of formulas, tables functions and an index creator are scheduled for the near future.

AmigaWriter also has many functions of a
DTP program: free placable boxes for text, graphics or whatever, linked boxes, free page formats, flexible paragraph formats, automatic paragraph control, comprehensive font manipulation.

Graphics- and DTP-programs


PageStreamPageStream is a full blown Desktop Publishing Program. It is well suited for all publishing-needs, from a simple newsletter through colorful advertisements to technical books. With PageStream one can produce letters, colorful schoolwork, presentations, business cards and much more. Thousands of users have been using PageStream for years to do their jobs.

As with other DTP-Programs, one can use PageStream to place texts, drawings and graphics. It offers an extremely exact typographic control, professional printing and a rich palette of other functions. PageStream is also different from other DTP-software, because it has almost all drawing functions of an illustrating program, has a very reasonable price and above all that is extremely easy to use.

More information:
DTP World

  Tornado3DTornado3D is a fantastic program for calculating virtual worlds. It is most certainly a milestone in raytracing and animation, and its working speed is really breathtaking. Even the first version, presented near the end of 1997, was able to convince the professional world. In the mean time, hundreds of new functions have been added to it, and have catapulted Tornado3D in the High-End sector.

The latest version offers bones with muscles, a hair/fur/grass generator, realistic 3D text, direct painting on 3D bodies (Meshpainting), Golem (a C-like script language with ARexx interface) and much more.

All preview and render modules are now available in a
PowerPC-version , which works 6-9 times faster than a 68060.

Editors ChoiceEditors ChoiceEditors Choice
WacomWacom Intuos
The tablets for intuitive working

With the Intuos-series Wacom offers a expandable State-of-the-Art series of tablets, that will make the heart of any artist, designer, and creative engineer beat faster . Sketching, drawing, designing, navigating - with the ergonomical Intuos pens and the high-resolution tablets it all goes easier. Once one has tried it, one can't do without it anymore. 5 different tablet sizes and 6 input-devices are available.
Perfect invitations, greeting cards, posters, web graphics

DrawStudio is an excellent draw- and presentations program, that anyone can use right away. By design DrawStudio works with
vector graphics, but linking them with bitmap graphics is also fully supported. This way, for instance desired objects or texts can be filled with a bitmap graphic to create fantastic effects. The graphics can also be saved as JPEG or GIF-format, to use them for web-design.

AmigaPlus AwardAmiga Format Gold

Internet and Fax


STFaxSTFax Pro
Transform your Amiga into a communication center: Fax, answering machine, voice mailbox in one.

STFax Pro can send faxes from within any application. For this a special printer driver is being used. It also has its own editor built in, with it you can create faxes directly.

Apart from this, STFax offers functions such as "Voice Control" (with voice supporting modems) - transform your Amiga into a digital answering machine, create a fax-on-demand service (ideal for firms, because this will allow your customers to reach you at all times, to get product information by fax).
You can also create a professional "Voice Mailbox" system, such as for instance British Airways uses: Please press 1 to request information, press 2 to... Even a small mailbox-system can be created.

Editors ChoiceAmiga Format GoldCU Amiga Superstar

More Information:

The complete Internet package

NetConnect offers all Internet tools in one package. With a click on the toolbar the different components are started. Genesis takes care of building the connection with your Internet provider (for instance UK Online).

With Voyager it then goes off into the net, for unlimited surfing. Visit us in any case: Microdot II is a comfortable E-Mail-program for your electronic mail and AmIRC 2 is the most used IRC-program for directly contacting others on the net.

CU Amiga SuperstarOther Internet-tools are AmFTP (up- and downloading of files), AmTelnet, AmFinger, AmTerm, NetInfo (Ping, Traceroute), X-ARC (packing and unpacking of LHA, LZX and ZIP archives). Very practical is the contact manager, in which all E-Mail-, WWW and FTP addresses can be maintained.

The professional TCP/IP- and network-stack
Genesis can also be bought separately

Editors ChoiceAmiga Format GoldCU Amiga Superstar

Macintosh- and PC-emulators

Fusion/PCxFusion / PCx-Bundle
Mac and PC emulator for Amiga

The Macintosh emulator Fusion leaves nothing to be desired . It emulates almost everything that you need with a Macintosh, and also supports MacOS 8. A PowerPC version is being worked on.

PCx is a 80x86 PC emulator, that also supports the Pentium commands . PCx is very stable and capable.
  Fusion PCFusion PC
Macintosh emulator for PC

Fusion is now also available for the PC. On fast Pentium processors it reaches a good speed. A PowerPC version is being worked on.


More information:



The professional video-titling-and effect-package for Amiga and DraCO

Explosions, rotations, perspectives, wind, zoom and numerous exciting video effects are waiting to be used by you. Never before has it been this easy!
Version 3.5 also supports the

CU Amiga Superstar
Breathtaking font effects

You take any Amiga-font, make it 3-dimensional, bevel it, make it shining gold, add a shadow to it and thus create with a few mouse-clicks a real eye catcher - a 3D font, ideally suited for video productions, presentations and web-design.

CU Amiga Superstar


The complete solution for video titling, multimedia and interactive presentations. All effects are available immediately at the push of a key, sound can also be controlled automatically. Never before has it been this easy to combine your video productions with effects, blends and sounds. Simply start the program, choose the effect and off you go...

More information: VideoWorld


The C/C++ Reference Compiler
The Storm-Family is constantly being improved upon and enhanced: StormC v3, StormC for PowerPC, StormWizard for AmigaOS and brand new StormASM for PowerPC.

AmigaPlus AwardBlueChip Award

The PowerPC Assembler
This is the best for hardcore Assembler programmers, because only with this can one have full control over the PowerPC and the full speed.

The visual GUI editor

StormWIZARD is a unique visual GUI editor. Only this way complicated program interfaces are created and changed fast.
The PowerPC Extension

WarpUP is the PowerPC-extension for the AmigaOS, for a simple usage of PowerPC-boards. WarpUP will be modified for different PPC-boards. WarpUP is thus the flexible solution for the road to the PowerPC-Amiga. Link

The driver system for 3D hardware

Warp3D functions independent of the used graphics system and the hardware being used, and can be adapted to any new 3D hardware.

OpenGL compatible graphics library

StormMesa lets you run OpenGL applications on the AMIGA directly. Version 3 now offers direct support for Warp3D and PowerPC, and can thus finally run OpenGL programs in never before seen speed .







Wacom PenPartner

Wacom Intuos
Graphics Tablets

Ethernet Card

Multi-I/O Card

 ISDN Blaster-Z2
Internal ISDN Card



Netax 1200



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